available daily 09:00 – 12:00
Shakshuka Served With Two Vegan „Eggs” Brioche (GF)
To popularne na Bliskim Wschodzie danie z papryki, pomidorów i cebuli jest idealne na rozpoczęcie dnia. Smakowite, aromatyczne i zjawiskowo zaprezentowane w towarzystwie jajka z… No właśnie, może spróbujesz zgadnąć, z czego zrobiliśmy wege jajo? W wersji bezglutenowej serwujemy bez pieczywa.
Dodaj 100g tofucznicy w cenie 12 zł.
Greek-style Omelette GF
Delicate omelette made of buckwheat flour, rice flour and chickpea flour goes really well with Tatziki, fresh cucumenber, tomatoes, black olives, rocket and vegan „feta”, nourishing both the mind and the body.
Brioche with Scrambled Tofu
Tomato, Lettuce, Vegan Butter and Spring Onions, served with Mixed Salad and Pesto Mayo
Filled with home made Chocolate Spread and Cashew Nut Cream Cheese, served with whipped Lentil Cream, home made Strawberry Sauce and Fresh Fruits.
Chocolate Waffle GF
With Cashew Nut Cream Cheese, Cherry Sauce, whipped Lentil Cream and Fresh Fruits.
Vegan Macaroon GF
This is something totally new in Poland! 100% plant based macaroons made with care and love by Armand, a French patissier, who has devoted years of his life to perfect recipe for this beauties. There are six flavours to choose from.
Soup of the Day GF
Codziennie inna zupa, o której z wielką chęcią opowie Ci nasza obsługa.
Krem borowikowo-pieczarkowy, podany z grzankami i oliwą rozmarynową GF
Wyobraź sobie, że idziesz do lasu jesienną porą. Czujesz ten zapach mchu i liści? Widzisz te dorodne borowiki? Jak je zbierzesz i nam przyniesiesz, to zrobimy ci zupę. No dobra, już ją zrobiliśmy i jest pyszna. Nic tylko zamawiać!
Talerzyki na ciepło
Kluski śląskie z sosem grzybowym GF
Tutaj wracamy do smaków dzieciństwa. Bo dla nas kluski to ciepło domu, poczucie bezpieczeństwa, brak problemów i cieszenie się z małych rzeczy. A jeśli te kluski wyszły spod rąk naszej utalentowanej szefowej kuchni, możemy mieć pewność, że wszystko w tym daniu będzie się zgadzać.
„Ryba” z jackfruita podana z sosem tatarskim GF
Och, uwielbiamy zabawę w oszukiwanie kubków smakowych! Tym razem na tapetę wzięliśmy rybę, która w tym przypadku zrobiona jest z jackfruita i nori, podana w autorskiej panierce z domowym sosem tatarskim.
Saag Aloo GF
Indyjskie pieczone ziemniaki podane z młodym szpinakiem (do tego dania polecamy domówić chlebek lub porcję ryżu).
Makaronowe muszle nadziewamy pastą z pieczonej dyni, pomidorów suszonych, słonecznika i tofu, podajemy na sosie pomidorowo-bazyliowym z chimichurri i posypujemy parmezanem.
Tajskie spring rollsy (2 szt)
A few years back Ania took part in a cooking class in Chiang Mai in Thailand where she learnt the secrets of this starter. We have made just some tiny changes to make the filling more aromatic. The result is truly amazing!
Talerzyki na zimno
Roladki z bakłażana (3 szt) GF
Marynowany w pietruszce, czosnku i przyprawach pieczony bakłażan nadziewamy serkiem z nerkowców i kładziemy na humusie z orzechów włoskich. Posypujemy świeżym granatem i orzechami włoskimi i voila! Pyszność gotowa!
Lentil Truffle Foie Gras served with Crispy Bread and Pickled Cucumber
This beautiful spread made of no-goose meat is perfect in every way. So perfect, it’s actually quite difficult to stop eating it!
Beetroot Sundried Tomato Tatar served with Walnuts Vegan Feta Cheese GF
Beets are amazing autumnal vegetables that we felt enthusia- stic to put on our menu. In this starter we spice it just like a delicate tatar, which is nicely balanced by the spiciness of rocket.
Marokańska sałatka z quinoa z warzywami,
daktylami i ziarnami granatu w limonkowo –
– miętowym dressingu GF
Rozsiądź się wygodnie, zamknij oczy i przenieś się myślami do krainy tysiąca i jednej nocy. Na pięknym talerzu podano Ci właśnie odświeżającą i pożywną sałatkę. Co dzieje się dalej?
Może nam opowiesz? 🙂
White Bean Prune “Lard” served with Crispy Bread
Perhaps we are not too modest, but this vegan „lard” is by far the tastiest pate in the world! This utter deliciousness should be devoured by buckets and not as a small starter. It’s perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in fact – why bother with other dishes if this one is so great???
Main Courses
Burger 6.0
Soy, veggie and zatar patty in a delicate brioche makes an ideal combination with prune BBQ sauce, Cheddar-style „cheese”, marinated and grilled pineapple, crispy veggies and a mango chilli soyannaise. Everything is served with potato wedges and homemade ketchup.
(Swap wedges for sweet potato chips – add 5 zł)
Vegan “Duck” Vegetables in Sweet and Sour Sauce, served with Basmati Rice
In this dish we continue to play with cheating our taste buds. This time the duck is pretended by seitan and we have to admit it does it perfectly. In fact, for such a great reenactment of real meat it should get an Oscar, or at least a Palme d’Or!
Wok fried noodles with Oyster Mushrooms and Veggies in Aromatic Trufle Oil Coconut Milk Sauce
Deep aroma of the sauce perfectly accentuates the flavour of oyster mushrooms, making it a truly outstanding dish.
Koko-Miso Nie-Ramen GF
W tym daniu inspirujemy się ideą ramenu, czyli stworzyliśmy dużą, pożywną zupę z makaronem, która wystarczy jako sycące danie główne. Nasz bulion nie jest jednak przygotowany w oparciu o klasyczną recepturę. Jest to wariacja naszej szefowej kuchni, która powstała w oparciu o dwa podstawowe składniki: miso oraz kokos. Czy przypadnie Tobie do gustu? Nie możemy się doczekać Twojej opinii!!!
Cauliflower Steak GF
Baked marinated cauliflower steak covered with vegan cheese, served on chickpea and tomato sauce, with cripsy oyster mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and rosmarine apple topped with homemade bazil-almond pesto.
Pastaless Lasagne Bolognese GF
We served this dish as part of our Valentine’s Tasting Menu in Gdańsk and… our Guests were thrilled! In fact literally everyone asked when it would be on the menu. Well, it took us a while, but here we go! The combination of Bolognese sauce, red wine, celeriac, aubergine, coconut Bechamel sauce vegan „feta” is to die for! Careful, it’s also very addictive ;).
Kalafior panierowany podany w sosie migdałowo szafranowym z ryżem pulao GF
This dish was one the favourites at our Valentine’s Tasting Menu in 2023. The aroma of saffron, rich sauce, delicate cauliflower and a pulao rice to die for! This is all it takes to find yourself in heaven!
Indyjskie kofty z tofu i śliwką w aksamitnym sosie z kozieradki, podane z ryżem pulao GF
Dwa lata temu delegacja Manny wzięła udział w szkoleniu kulinarnym, które prowadził jeden z najlepszych szefów kuchni indyjskiej w Londynie. To właśnie on nauczył nas jak przygotować aromatyczne i boskie roślinne kofty w gęstym sosie na bazie kozieradki. Czy w Mannie można spróbować indyjskiego dania, które będzie konkurować z najlepszymi autentycznymi restauracjami Indii? Challenge accepted!
Ceasar Salad
In this vegan version of the all time classic salad, dressing is made of cashew nuts, while chicken is replaced by a marinated tofu. A true feast indeed!
Kid’s Menu
I’m not hungry
Penne z sosem bolognese.
I don’t like it
Mac n Cheese
I don’t mind
Quesadilla with vegan „cheese”, basil sauce, spinach cherry tomatoes.
Chocolate Mousse served with Whipped Cream Fruits GF
This beautiful chocolate pudding is an absolute delight for the palate! Rich, velvety chocolate mousse is not too big, but not too small either – just a perfect treat to enjoy after the hearty meal!
Classic Pannacotta with Passion Fruit Coulis GF
Delikatny włoski klasyk w wegańskiej odsłonie.
Basque „Cheesecake” with Salted Caramel
Icing, served with Strawberry Coulis GF
We are absolutely certain that you have yet to try a vegan cheesecake that would be so delicate and velvety. It must be tried!
Wegański makaronik z Monsieur Armand GF
This is something totally new in Poland! 100% plant based macaroons made with care and love by Armand, a French patissier, who has devoted years of his life to perfect recipe for this beauties. There are six flavours to choose from.
Napoje bezalkoholowe
Freshly squeezed Orange Juice 250 ml
Homemade “Unicorn” Lemonade with Butterfly Tea, Lemon, Elderflower Cordial and Rose Petals
On lemon kola 330 ml
On lemon kola zero 330 ml
Pressed Apple Juice (100%) 250ml
Pressed Carrot Apple Juice (75% apples, 25% carrots) 250 ml
Sparkling Water 330 ml
Smoothie śniadaniowe 300 ml NOWOŚĆ!
Smoothie zimowe 300 ml NOWOŚĆ!
Smoothie mango 300 ml NOWOŚĆ!
Alkohole (25 ml)
Żubrówka biała
Żubrówka z trawą żubrową
Gin lubuski
Bacardi Rum
Bacardi Black Rum
Johnnie Walker
Double espresso
Latte / Cappucino
Flat White
Espresso Tonic
Złote Lwy 500 ml
Pszeniczniak 500 ml
Marango (Lager with Passion Fruit Mango) 500 ml
APA 500 ml
Cider 330 ml
Non Alcoholic Beer 500 ml
Mug 350 ml or Pot 700 ml
Black Yunnan Imperial
The mellow and floral taste of this classic black tea goes very well with most of our dishes, especially those with Asian flavours and those containing kidney beans.
Sencha Green Tea
This high quality green tea comes from Shizuoka region by the Fiji Mountain. It has beautiful dark green leaves and offers delicate well known flavour.
Mangobella (green tea)
Sweet and aromatic mango goes perfectly with green tea, while mirabell plum adds a little zest to the composition. Thanks to cornflower and calendula this tea has got an amazing colour.
Kiss of Geisha (green tea)
Mysterious perfumes of the Orient lie hidden in this perfect combination of green teas. Delicate petals of Japanese magnolia, red petals of cornflower, pieces of raspberry, strawberry and elderberry will seduce even the most ardent tea aficionado.
Aloha vera (green tea)
Summery pomegranate seeds work very well with refreshing aroma of aloe. Add to it dates, glacé pineapple cornflower petals and you will get a truly exotic experience.
Pu erh (mango strawberry)
The healing properties of Pu Erh have been known for thousands of years. This tea is just perfect for richer dishes such as spring rolls or burger. Mango, strawberries and pieces of vanilla give this tea a refreshing and sublime taste.
Wuthering Heights (white tea)
An exceptional combination of Chinese white tea varieties, full of rose and jasmine aromas and a touch of fresh lemon. The entrancing and divine bouquet will remind you of the blooming alpine meadows in Spring.
Maple Syrup Walnut Oolong Tea
Maple syrup is often called the ‘Gold of Canada’. The perfect accompaniment to pecan or walnut desserts, it is no surprise that it also goes really well with the floral red tea of Oolong. The silky aftertaste of this infusion is like something from a fairy-tale or from a dream. Once tasted, never forgotten.
Koala’s Treat (roibush)
Refreshing eucalyptus, sweet pear and zesty aromas of orange work beautifully in this Rooibos infusion. Let’s put it this way: if Koala drank tea, this one would certainly be their favourite!
Yoga tea (herbal)
This classic ayurvedic recipe with nettle, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, white pepper and cardamom has been known in India for centuries. It’s the perfect all-rounder to be enjoyed whatever the time of the day, whatever the season.
Divine as Hell (fuit infusion)
Divine refreshing infusion of intensely orange colour. Mandarine fruits, apple bergamot will make you think all about Summer. It tastes equally good on its own as well as with added sugar.